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StyleSheet for use when a translation requires any css style changes.
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Special Thanks to:

[[Jesus Christ|http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Colossians%201:16-17;&version=47;]], who created the universe and all of its fascinating properties
[[Dr. Stiffler|http://stifflerscientific.com]], the inventor of the SEC
aether22 for helping me to get going
Lattice333 for details on BreadBoard "how to"
Chet for his kind offer of support
The breadboard version of the SEC is the first one that I built. I was hoping that I would be able to purchase an assembled SEC 15-3 for experimenting with, but once I got a breadboard version working, that became less important.

Here is a photo of my initial SEC breadboard configuration:
[img[The SEC In Operation|images/breadboard1.jpg]]

Note that in this photo, I have a scope probe hung off of the wrong spot in the circuit - namely the upstream side of L2. It should actually be on the downstream side, and it should NOT be physically attached to the circuit. This circuit is very sensitive to even high impedance probes, and therefore if you hope to scope it, you will need to use a probe connected to a very small "sniffer coil" and not directly connected to the SEC at all.
To further my experiments with hydrogen production, I had my son buy a box of copper-coated gouging rods from the local welding gas and equipment supplier. The rods are 1/4" diameter, 12" long, and come 50 in a box. I had wanted to purchase plain carbon rods, but they were not available locally.

[img[Box of Gouging Rods|images/rods/radnor rods.jpg]]

The rods are coated along most of their length with copper.

[img[Gouging Rods|images/rods/copper coated.jpg]]

As it turned out, the copper-coated rods are not that hard to work with. I cut a few in half quite easily with a bandsaw. Starting with a small nick, it was fairly easy to peel the copper coating off the rods.

[img[Peeling Copper off the Rods|images/rods/start peel.jpg]]

Having copper on one end makes it easy to solder diodes to connect the rods together.

[img[Copper Ends are Easy to Solder To|images/rods/soldered to copper.jpg]]

I drilled holes in some foam scraps to mount and space the rods.

[img[Foam Mounting Material|images/rods/foam scrap.jpg]]

Here's a photo of the completed assembly of two pairs of carbon rods, spaced and supported by the foam.

[img[Two Pairs of Mounted Carbon Rods|images/rods/rod assembly.jpg]]

And here you can see the assembly in the water glass, ready to go.

[img[Assembly Ready to Test|images/rods/rods in place.jpg]]
In my SEC experimenting I have wound quite a few coils so far! This photo shows many of the coils, and some of the wire from many sources (including of course Radio Shack.) You can also see several objects that I've used as coil forms - almost anything handy of about the right size can be used.

[img[Coils, coils everywhere! :)|images/coils/coils hor flash.jpg]]

One thing that has helped considerably is that I have several rather large spools of wire in my garage left over from times when I was experimenting with magnetic motors. Just in case the scale is not quite obvious, the roll of 24 gauge copper wire in this photo was shipped and is stored inside a 5-gallon plastic bucket!

[img[Enough wire to last a while... :)|images/wire.jpg]]

The other rolls of wire that I have aren't nearly as large, and I don't have a full catalog of gauges, but I can experiment with the gauges I do have pretty freely because I'm not too worried about "running out." :)

I've experimented a little with different wire types and coil sizes. So far, I haven't seen any obvious differences between copper and aluminum wire. I have however observed some differences based on coil diameter. The three coils in this photo all can be tuned to work, but the smaller diameter coil with more turns seems to produce stronger results.

[img[Size Does Matter! :)|images/coils/coil sizes.jpg]]

Here's a picture of a coil winding in progress, wound on a "Sharpie" pen barrel. Note that the first time I tried this, I wound it directly on the barrel and could not get it off! In this photo, you can see that I wrapped some some stiff paper around the barrel first. It was still hard to get off, so I suggest that you not wrap it TOO tightly! After the winding was done, I applied some super glue and accelerator to hold the wire neatly in place. While it may not be perfectly "pretty" it sure works well. :)

[img[Super Glue Holds Coil Wound on a Pen Barrel|images/coils/superglue.jpg]]

There, I knew that junk mail was good for something! :) Note that at the end of the coil form I pierced a hole to feed the wire through to help keep it from unraveling.

[img[Finished Coil|images/coils/finished coil2.jpg]]
Google "One Terminal Capacitor Joseph Hiddink" for some background material on this experiment.

I woke up this morning with the thought to try building one of these. According to Hiddink, an appropriately energized one terminal capacitor should exhibit gravitational effects.

I found one of the grandkid's toy balls, and tore off two sheets of aluminum foil. With each sheet I formed a hemisphere using the ball as a form. Then I used a pair of scissors to trim around the edge of each hemisphere. I then carefully crimped the hemispheres together into a rough but very light-weight hollow metallic sphere.

[img[Hiddink Sphere|images/hiddink/hiddink2.jpg]]

I set the sphere on top of a conveniently available glass, hooked up the output lead from the Stiffler Space Energy Cohererer, and powered the thing up in the hope of seeing the sphere rise into the air. :)

[img[Complete Hiddink Setup|images/hiddink/hiddink1.jpg]]

Well, no joy yet... however, here are the next steps that I hope to try, one or more at at time (when I can get to them:)
*Increase system voltage
*Improve the quality of the sphere
*Construct a balance beam to enable detection of small amounts of lift
*Find out if there is any way to change field polarity

A moment ago, as I was working on this wiki, I heard a sound from my workbench. I looked over, and the Sphere was lying on the floor...

Was it simply a light gust of breeze? (the window was open) Or, might it have been something else? :)
What is the "Holy Grail" of so-called "Free Energy" devices? In My Humble Opinion, it is this:
*Demo version is compact and self-contained, like an executive toy
*Plans are published on the internet and freely available to all
*Can be built with average skills and tools
*Constructed with parts from Radio Shack and Home Depot
*Works anywhere and everywhere
*Results cannot be disputed by honest observers, probably obviously "self-running"
*Scalable from demo to full-scale power output
What makes a SEC tick? I wish I knew.

I am gradually accumulating clues and thinking about it as I "fiddle" around with various tests and experiments. Tinkering with the SEC has been quite rewarding, because it actually "does stuff" that is quite interesting if not immediately useful.

Dr. Stiffler speaks of the SEC as being a "bifurcated oscillator" that exhibits "negative resistance" and my best take on that description comes from observing the split between L1 and L2 in the [[SECSchematic|MicroSECSchematic]].
I've done some "quick and dirty" experiments to generate HHO.

Here is a strip of aluminum foil wrapped once around a drinking glass, connected to the output of the SEC exciter:

[img[Silver Rods|images/HHO/silver rods1.jpg]]

I had some silver rods handy, and so I rolled them straight and spaced them with some bits of tape. I added some baking soda to the water to form an electrolyte. There are four 1N4148 diodes soldered in series between the two rods to create a 2.8v potential. The midpoint of the diodes is connected to earth ground. There was a fairly good stream of bubbles generated. Here you can see more of the setup:

[img[HHO Setup|images/HHO/silver setup1.jpg]]

I then added another pair of rods to the setup:

[img[Two Pair of Silver Rods|images/HHO/silver rods2.jpg]]

There were bubbles rising from both pair of rods, but I did not yet attempt to quantify. I did try to light the bubbles, with no apparent success.

[img[HHO Setup with Two Sets of Rods|images/HHO/silver setup2.jpg]]

You can see some videos of the HHO experiments so far on YouTube:
(I suggest you select "Watch in High Quality")

[[First Bubbles From My SEC Breadboard|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aTLQsIke44]]
MicroSEC In Operation
[[First Test of HHO Generation by Micro-SEC|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwpKeBMBHWI]]

^^''cms:'' [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]] <<version>>^^
After successfully building a working SEC on a Radio Shack circuit board, I decided to try and build one on a custom single-sided MicroSecPCB. Click here for the MicroSECPartslist and here for the MicroSECSchematic.

[img[Blank PCB Material|images/MicroSEC.jpg]]

I make no claims that this is an "optimal" variant of the design, but it did come up quickly and does seem to work much like my original breadboard. It took me longer to put this wiki description together than it did to make the MicroSEC.

I started with a scrap of single-sided copper PCB material and figured out how to arrange the parts and traces in a simple fashion

[img[Blank PCB Material|images/microSEC small/copper2.jpg]]

I cut a piece of blank PCB about 1" wide by about 1.5" long and smoothed the rough edges.

[img[Bandsaw|images/microSEC small/saw.jpg]]

On a drill press I used a #60 bit to drill holes in the PCB. The nine holes across the top edge of the board are all spaced at 1/10" intervals.

[img[Drill Press|images/microSEC small/drill2.jpg]]

I then marked lines where I would use a dremel tool to separate the copper into "islands" representing the junction points in the circuit.

[img[Dremel with Grinding Disk|images/microSEC small/dremel.jpg]]

Here's the finished blank PCB. The bulk of the copper area on the board is the "common" or "zero-volt" area.

[img[Finished Blank PCB|images/microSEC small/finished blank2.jpg]]

I then soldered in the components, including socket pins scavenged from an integrated circuit socket.

[img[Assembled MicroSEC|images/microSEC small/assembled2.jpg]]

Borrowing the coil, transistor, and neon bulb from a breadboard, I powered it up and it pretty much worked right off the bat. :)

[img[It Works!|images/microSEC small/first light1.jpg]]

I then wound a new coil ( about three feet of wire, 37 tightly spaced turns wound around the 1/4" OD copper pipe for a form ) and put it into the circuit. I tuned that coil into operation by gently spreading the windings until the neon bulb lights most brightly.

You can see from the underside view just how simple this device is.

[img[Upside Down|images/microSEC small/underside1.jpg]]

''Note"'' I have found that leaving a cliplead dangling from the L2 output coil is necessary to "fire off" the neon for tuning purposes.
Here are the ESSENTIAL parts for building a MicroSec.
''Note:'' that this DOES NOT include the power input filter circut.
Name	Ident			Manufacture	Part#

Q1	MPSA06			JameCo		26462
R1	1.0M ohm 1/4W 5% 	JameCo 		691585
C1 	470pF 100V 10% X7R 	JameCo 		332612
L1 	10uH SRF 22MHz 130mA 	JameCo 		372171
L2-L5 	22uH SRF 10MHz 140mA 	JameCo 		372197
N1 	Neon 95VAC 1.9mA 	JameCo 		1770744 (very helpful for tuning)
Blank copper-clad PCB material
1/4" OD copper tubing for transistor heat sink
~3 feet of 24 gauge enameled copper wire
Hookup wire
''NOTE:'' The schematic originally posted here was incorrect, please delete any copies you may have saved!

This revised schematic is correct (subject to caveats listed below) and in addition, I've placed some "dotted line" boxes around junctions which correlate to the copper areas on the MicroSEC PCB. Remember that the bulk of the PCB is the "0 volt" area.

A couple of notes about this schematic:
*This schematic shows the "exciter" portion of the SEC and does not illustrate the power supply.
*The capacitor symbol should not show a "polarized" cap, I'll fix that when I get a chance.
*I've illustrated the schematic as closely as possible to the MicroSecPCB layout that I used for the MicroSEC
*''NOTE:'' The neon is not connected conventionally, I hope to fix that soon also...
[img[Blank PCB Material|images/MicroSEC Schematic.jpg]]
The MicroSEC PCB is about 1" wide x 1.5" long. This pattern shows the copper foil side of the printed circuit board. Holes are drilled with a #60 drill on a 1/10th inch grid.

[img[Finished Blank PCB|images/microSEC small/PCB Pattern.jpg]]

As you can see from this photo, the pattern need not be precise, and may be hand-made:

[img[Finished Blank PCB|images/microSEC small/finished blank2.jpg]]

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I'll add new topics at the top of this section.

I was tinkering with coils last night, starting with about the same length of wire, but using different kinds of wire and different size coil forms. Here is what I noticed:
*Coils wound on larger diameter forms resulted in higher exciter current consumption for the same apparent effect.
*Smaller diameter coils resulted in lower current draw.
*Aluminum wire seemed to work about the same as copper.
Some assorted experiments I've tried with the SEC.
!Listed from Newest to Oldest
*CarbonRods - Using copper-coated gouging rods
*CoilsCoils - I've wound a few! Maybe even learned a little bit...
*HiddinkSphere - I tried creating a single-pole capacitor a-la Joseph Hiddink.
*HydrogenGeneration - Some quick and dirty experiments to generate HHO
[[Dr. Stiffler's Website|http://stifflerscientific.com]]
[[Over Unity Website|http://overunity.com]]
You want to live in a [[Flying House|http://flyinghouse.com]]! You know you do!
[[Downsize DC|http://downsizedc.org]] - It's past time to cut the federal leviathan down to size!
Curious? Find out about creator's [[political|http://www.nolanchart.com/author54.html]] and [[theological|http://flyinghouse.com/creator/theo.html]] views.
Like astronomy? Check out my cool new [[equatorial mount|http://subarcsec.com]] for larger telescopes.
Visit http://originalintent.org and http://nontaxpayer.org
[[AETHER CONTROL via an understanding of ORTHOGONAL FIELDS|./files/ortho1.pdf]] - Read this paper! Be sure to also read the related article at
A transistor seems to be at the heart of the Spatial Energy Coherer, and not just any transistor will do!
!Transistor Mortality
I now feel as though I am a step past being a total novice with this device, because I have blown my first transistor!

While I don't have a clue as to exactly how it blew out, I am pretty sure it is as dead as a doornail! One minute it was working, the next not, and I've tried and retried to "revive" it in several different SEC replicas.
!Alternate Transistors
The [[MPS06A|./files/MPSA06.pdf]] is the transistor recommended by Dr. Stiffler. Certain comments I have read seem to imply that it is obsolete or becoming so, perhaps because it contains barium. However, it seems to be readily available from, for example, [[DigiKey|http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?Detail?name=MPSA06-ND]], for as little as a nickel or less in very large quantities.

I have successfully run a SEC exciter using a [[2N4401|./files/2N4401.pdf]] transistor purchased at the local [[Radio Shack|http://www.radioshack.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2062615&cp=]], but it does behave somewhat differently and oddly, also requiring slightly different "tuning" of the SEC.

!Hydrogen Generation
(I suggest you select "Watch in High Quality")
[[First Bubbles From My SEC Breadboard|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9aTLQsIke44]]
MicroSEC In Operation
[[First Test of HHO Generation by Micro-SEC|http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qwpKeBMBHWI]]
''NOTE:'' Be sure to visit the [[WhatsNew?]] section for important notices of news and changes. Also be aware that this website is built and maintained using [[TiddlyWiki|http://tiddlywiki.com]]. All content is organized on the same page, and when you click on a link you are taken to that portion of the page.

This is a log of my experiments with [[Dr. Stiffler's|http://stifflerscientific.com/]] Spatial Energy Coherer (SEC.) Without any question, the SEC has so far been one of the most interesting and entertaining projects that I have dabbled in.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please contact me at: creator(at)flyinghouse(dot)com

[img[The SEC In Operation|images/three tubes cropped.jpg]]

I first came across this fascinating device on http://overunity.com and started trying to learn how to build one. I hope my experiments and notes will help you if you're interested in replicating this interesting circuit.
my experiments with Dr. Stiffler's Spatial Energy Coherer
The Stiffler SEC
I've got a growing list of experiments and things to try. Your ideas are welcome.
*Work out a good electrolyzer design
*Test multiple pairs of rods in an electrolyzer
*Try battery charging
*Try running a motor.
*Try the Hiddink sphere on a balance beam
*Increase voltages
*Run on batteries
*Try other transistors
*Use a SEC to generate an HHO flame to power a Seebeck thermoelectric generator to run the SEC to make the HHO flame....
*Learn about Avramenko plugs
*Get my neon bulb set up right
Check this section every time you visit for any important news!

!28 August 2008 - NEW!
Check out SECExperiments to see some of my experience with carbon rods and coil winding.

I'm also very pleased to have been granted permission to share with you Rick Andersen's seminal paper:

[[AETHER CONTROL via an understanding of ORTHOGONAL FIELDS|./files/ortho1.pdf]].

Don't let the title throw you off; this paper is written with "regular folk" like you and me in mind. You will no doubt find it fascinating. I first came across a reference to it on Dr. Stifflers website, http://stifflerscientific.com, specifically on this page:

Unfortunately, the link to the paper (at the bottom of that page) was broken. Consequently, I contacted the author (Rick Andersen) who was kind enough to forward me a copy of the paper and grant me permission to publish it here. Thank you, Rick! :)
!Earlier News:

I made an error in the original MicroSECSchematic that I first posted. Please re-visit that section and see the corrected schematic.

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